Looks like a painting, doesn’t it? It’s a time exposure of the sun rising over the Gulf of Mexico from Surfside.
Photo Mabry Campbell
Looks like a painting, doesn’t it? It’s a time exposure of the sun rising over the Gulf of Mexico from Surfside.
Photo Mabry Campbell
St. Joseph’s in Galveston is a deconsecrated historic church building managed as a community and historic resource by GHF. The oldest German...
Bob Hall Pier, Padre Island Photo onpadreisland
Smith Oaks is 143 acres of field, woods, wetlands and ponds. Thirty-three acres were purchased by HAS wit the help of HAS members, friends, and the...
Established in 1856, the city of Saint Jo was originally known as Head of Elm, named for its location at the headwaters of the Elm Fork of the...
Matagorda Christ Episcopal Church, the oldest Episcopal Church in Texas, traces its history to 1838. The year the Rev. Caleb S. Ives was appointed...
Bluff Dale, on U.S. Highway 377 and the North Paluxy River in northeastern Erath County, was originally called Bluff Spring by the pioneers who...
Galveston civic leaders planned on building the Hotel Galvez in 1898 after a fire destroyed another large hotel (the Beach Hotel) on Galveston Island...
Dickinson Bayou is located in southeast Texas in the San Jacinto-Brazos Coastal Basin. Dickinson Bayou rises two miles northeast of Alvin in...