Central Texas Hill Country Videos

Colorful Tour of the Hill Country Painted Churches

Hill Country Painted Churches

When immigrants from Moravia found passage into Galveston, the Ellis Island of the South, many headed for the Texas Hill Country bringing a piece of their homeland with them.

They may not have had the cash or the access to materials to recreate their houses of worship, but they were ingenious enough to fashion another solution — with paint.

From Joel Luks article in CultureMap:

…paint was cheap — and obtainable. And that’s how the notable painted churches of Schulenburg, known as the gateway to the rolling hills, came to be.

In the communities of Dubina, High Hill, Ammannsville and Praha, churches were adorned using stencils, pouncing and hand-painted faux techniques to mimic decorative molding, natural stone, cast details and trompe-l’œil effects.

In this video, we visit four of the painted churches:  St. Mary’s Church of the Assumption, Sts. Cyril and Methodius Church, St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, and the Nativity of Mary, Blessed Virgin

Joel Luks, hosted by the Greater Schulenburg Chamber of Commerce and the Architecture Center of Houston, explores four of these charming buildings and the stories behind them with local expert Patricia Balcar.

Video by CultureMap