The ticket booth and marquee are still standing. In its day, capacity was around 200 cars.
photo by Noel Kerns
The ticket booth and marquee are still standing. In its day, capacity was around 200 cars.
photo by Noel Kerns
Hempstead is in Waller County, Texas. The community, located at the junctions of U.S. Highway 290, Texas State Highway 6, and Texas State Highway...
Kosse, located in Limestone County in Central Texas, has a colorful history dating to 1869. Born as a railroad village, Kosse has had booms and busts...
A nearly deserted town an hour north of Fredericksburg in Mason County, Pontotoc was on the brink of becoming a boom town before a series of...
“Texas is the finest portion of the globe that has blessed my vision.” ~ Sam Houston, 1833. Photo by joolieboolie
Bryan-College Station, a community rich in tradition and history, set deep in the heart of Central Texas. Bryan, the county seat of Brazos County, is...
Located in Weimar. Established as a Mission in 1888, by Father Edward Brucklin, who became first resident priest in 1892. An earlier frame structure...
Devil’s Waterhole is a small extension of Inks Lake in Burnet, which is almost completely surrounded by rock. A canoe tour is conducted at...
The barn was old when I was young – as far as I know it was built before the war. Its really showing its age these days, but I dare say it is...