The ticket booth and marquee are still standing. In its day, capacity was around 200 cars. photo by Noel Kerns
Things to See & Do in the Texas Hill Country
Enchanted Rock in the Hill Country
Enchanted Rock is an enormous pink granite pluton rock formation located in the Llano Uplift approximately 15 miles north of Fredericksburg in the Hill Country.
Christian Methodist Episcopal Church, Fredericksburg
Several black families were residing in Gillespie County by the 1870s. A schoolhouse was built in 1877 on property adjacent to this later church site. Blacks probably met in the school for worship...
Founded in 1852 by German settlers and incorporated in 1909, the City of Boerne was one of the area’s most strategic transportation locations on routes for those traveling into San Antonio or...
Brenham, the county seat of Washington County, is on U.S. Highway 290 seventy-two miles northwest of Houston. The Hickory Grove community changed its name in 1843 to Brenham in honor of Republic of...
San Fernando Academy in Pontotoc
A nearly deserted town an hour north of Fredericksburg in Mason County, Pontotoc was on the brink of becoming a boom town before a series of misfortunes. Settled in 1859, there was an established...
St. James Episcopal in La Grange
In 1885, St James Episcopal Church was built in La Grange on a lot donated by the Shropshire family for a parish formed in 1855.
Medina is an unincorporated community in Bandera County, Texas. It is part of the San Antonio Metropolitan Statistical Area. Medina is famous for its apples. The community’s population was...
Three Sisters, Hill Country
Nestled up in the Frio Canyon region of the Texas Hill Country are three highways that are known as the Three Sisters, or the Twisted Sisters. Roughly a hundred miles long, the FM 335/336/337 loop is...
McKinney Falls State Park
McKinney Falls State Park located in South Austin is a 726-acre park acquired in 1970 from private donation and was opened to the public in 1976. The park is named for Thomas F. McKinney, who came to...
Johnson City Feed Mill
I don’t know the story behind the shoes on this wall, but here in Texas we have boots on fence posts, bicycles on barns, trees and on fences… seems anything is fair game to try out a new...
The Twisted Sisters aka The Three Sisters
Join me on my Honda Valkyrie as we ride the Texas Hill Country to the The Twisted Sisters aka The Three Sisters.